It's ok to make mistakes, we all are human beings, we are not angels. Not to make mistakes is inhumanly and throw us out of humanity. So, why feel ashamed, when you make horrible mistakes that no one expects from you, sometimes you Yourself? Why all of a sudden you throw out yourself from the list of good human beings?
Can good human being ever be an angel? Never right?
Then why after facing failures, making mistakes, after telling a lie to save yourself, after a small passing affair, after being jealous, afters a small theft sometimes by circumstances or by chance, after being crazy out of thirst of being an Actual normal human being, start assuming yourself a wrong person? Being crazy is more Normal than to be a
" Perfect one ", that does not even exist.
To make mistakes is very much prone to be human, we all learn after facing failures, making mistakes, making wrong decisions, accomplishing severe wrong deeds. So, never let anyone drag you down or feel dejected.
Always face yourself confidently, learn from your mistakes and feel proud you are one of those who knows how to get back on your feet after falling, facing a deadly situation sometimes. Who's a fighter not a coward, who face don't run away timidly, who face and keep the dignity of being human up instead of losing heart. Who sparks more brightly after getting polished by circumstances.
Always feel proud of being, the best in all the creations, whose very nature is to make mistakes, learn and get back with more power. So, always take it positively and never let anyone let you down for being a Normal Human Being," Being YOU".
" So, Aways, BE HUMAN, BE YOU."